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Residence rules and regulations

1. Rental
1.1 Every new and returning resident is required to pay full rental payment prior to each check-in to the University’s accommodation. Under the tenancy agreement, all residents pay for 3 – 6 months of accommodation (based on enrolment) regardless of voluntary absences during the contract period.

Rental will be refunded on a pro-rata basis if:
1.2.1  Status is terminated by Curtin University Malaysia
1.2.2  Withdrawal with medical or compassionate reasons

Rental will be forfeited for below scenarios and subject to the Cancellation & Refund policy stated in Section 1.3:
1.2.3 Withdrawal from residence new application/renewal
1.2.4 Withdrawal from academic or courses
1.2.5 No-show without a valid reason

Rental will be fully forfeited for below scenarios:
1.2.6 Resident is evicted due to non-academic disciplinary action including vandalism to properties, sexual harassments, thefts, rapes, violence, criminal case, drug abuse etc
1.2.7 Immediate termination of residence tenancy due to serious offenses and/or violation of Malaysia government laws and regulations
1.2.8 Immediate termination of residence tenancy upon receival of two written non-academic misconduct warning letters.

The Residence Office reserves the right to revise the current Rental rates from time to time without advance notice. Such Rental revision is solely at the discretion of the University Management, who are not obligated to attach any reasons for such revision.


Cancellation & Refund policy

Residents who cancel the accommodation application (new application/renewal/storage) with written notice prior to commencement of tenancy will be eligible for a partial refund as stipulated below:

Condition 1: New accommodation applicants or reapplication
Notice given              Rental refund
More than 8 weeks   75% of full rental fee
6-8 weeks                  50% of full rental fee
4-6 weeks                  25% of full rental fee
2-4 weeks                  10% of full rental fee
Within 2 weeks          Non-refundable

*RM 150 of application fee and full rental fee is to be paid within 14 days from the date of issued Offer Letter to secure the room offer.

Condition 2: Renewal applicants
Notice given              Rental refund
More than 8 weeks   75% of full rental fee (after deduct non-refundable rental prepayment of  RM1000)
6-8 weeks                  50% of full rental fee
4-6 weeks                  25% of full rental fee
2-4 weeks                  10% of full rental fee
Within 2 weeks          Non-refundable

*RM 150 of renewal application fee and non-refundable rental prepayment fee of RM 1000 to be paid within a stipulated dateline to secure the same room. The rental payment balance is to be paid within the due date set by Curtin Malaysia. Failing to pay the full rental payment before the due date will be considered non-renewal and therefore current room will be allocated to others.


A monthly allowance of RM50 per person is provided in your rental fee for utilities. Any excess will be borne by residents of the flat/unit/house on a pro-rata basis. This utility allowance is applied to all accommodations.

1.5 A two (2) month rental deposit will be collected and will only be refunded after the Accommodation Complex has been vacated; the keys and Resident Card returned, and all other outstanding fees due to the University have been cleared. Residents are reminded that if any fixtures or assets are found missing or damaged due to negligence, charges for replacement or repair will be deducted from the deposit. Please refer to the defect price list available on each notice board for details.
1.6 The keys and Resident card are the property of Curtin University. They are non-transferable and no unauthorized duplication is allowed. Any student found to have violated the above will be subjected to disciplinary action.
1.7 Extend stay daily rental will be imposed if a resident does not leave the Accommodation Complex on the tenancy end date stated in the offer letter. Please check with Residence Office for room availability.

Daily charge is RM100 per night
2. Sanction
  Any student who has not paid all the relevant fees or charges by the due date will have a sanction applied to their student record. A sanction may prevent the student from accessing results, re-enrolling or graduating. The sanction applied for non-payment of fees or outstanding charges will be removed when full payment is received.
3. Renewal and room allocation
3.1 Accommodation is not guaranteed for the duration of your course. You are required to submit a renewal form as per the stipulated date given in the offer letter.
3.2 Room allocation is based on a first come first served basis. The management reserve the right to reallocate resident to different units due to room configuration requirement.
3.3 Residents are not permitted to change rooms without prior approval.  A charge of RM150 will be imposed for any room change request.
4. Ending of tenancy
  The University Management reserves the right to end Tenancy at any time if residents fail to comply with the Regulations.
5. Behavior and discipline
5.1 Residents are expected to display acceptable forms of behaviour within the Accommodation Complex at all times. Any person who discriminates in any manner or, threatens the safety or wellbeing of any resident(s) or staff member, verbally, physically, sexually or in writing, may be subject to immediate termination of their tenancy agreement.
5.2 Smoking, vaping and consumption of any tobacco-based products are strictly prohibited in the bedroom and all areas of the Accommodation Complex/Compound.
5.3 Consumption, use or possession of any form of illegal drugs or alcoholic drinks is strictly prohibited in the accommodation complex/compound. Anyone found in possession of, or using illegal substances will be dealt with by the relevant authorities.
5.4 Burning of candles or incense is prohibited in rooms as this is a fire hazard.
5.5 Parties and other social gatherings in or around the Accommodation Complex are not allowed without prior approval from the Residence Office.
5.6 Noise levels must be kept down to allow others the opportunity to study or sleep in comfort. The volume of all devices should not be heard in adjoining rooms at all times, especially after 10.00 pm.
5.7 Residents are required to keep their own room and flat/unit/house clean and tidy at all times, especially the kitchen. For health reasons, dirty dishes will be discarded after 24 hours without prejudice. Unclean properties are health hazards and students are expected to maintain a high standard of cleanliness.
5.8 The Accommodation Complex is designated as the HALAL area. Only halal food is allowed to be cooked, stored and consumed in the kitchen.
5.9 Do not affix posters, or nails to walls, ceilings or furniture of bedrooms or common areas. Any damage found will be charged on departure to the person(s) responsible.
5.10 Mattress protectors must be used. Resident must supply their own linen and pillow. Please inspect your mattress carefully on both sides and report any damage or marks on your inventory checklist within 24 hours after the collection of the keys.
5.11 Residents are provided with adequate furniture and are advised not to bring any additional bulky items as they may not fit into the room and no storage is available.
5.12 Residents are not allowed to transfer any furniture/appliances from their original place within the assigned accommodation or from another flat/unit/house. If extra furniture is deed needed, please check with the Residence Office for availability. (Approval on a case-by-case basis)
5.13 Be economical in your usage. Turn off lights, air conditioners and heaters when not in use. Proper and safe usage of electrical appliances is the responsibility of each resident.
5.14 A coin-operated laundry is located on site. Please do not use foreign coins as this jams the slides and causes the machine to malfunction. Report any out-of-order equipment to Place rubbish in the bins provided. Clothes should be discretely managed in the specified areas. Unattended clothes will be removed and treated as lost property.
5.15 Car Parking is available and residents need to display a valid parking permit. There is a limited parking slot at each residence.
5.15.1   Kingfisher 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7: Free of charge
5.15.2  Kingfisher 8, 9 and Curtin Water 2: MYR 10 per car (Registration at Security Office)
5.16 Bicycles should be stored in a bicycle bay and must not be kept in bedrooms, near emergency exits, passageways, common areas or stairwells as these cause a safety hazard.
5.17 Feeding of stray animals and possession of pets are not allowed in the Accommodation Complex or on campus grounds.
5.18 Any resident found to have violated the Residence rules and regulations is subject to Non-Academic Misconduct.  Please refer to Statute 10 for details.


6. Maintenance of accommodation
6.1 Power outages should be reported to immediately so that all electrical equipment in use can be checked for malfunction.
6.2 Any maintenance or defect should be reported to immediately. Damage due to fair wear and tear will be repaired free of charge.
6.3 Any damage caused by the resident, intentionally or unintentionally to any part of the interior or exterior including walls, floors, equipment, furnishings, fittings, and fixtures in the room or common areas will be charged to the person(s) responsible. In the case of damages to the common areas, where the person responsible is unknown and does not come forward, the cost will be equally divided between all tenants of the flat/unit/house. Please note that residents are responsible for any damage caused by their visitors.
6.4 The defect price list is available on the notice board of each flat/house.
6.5 Security will escort campus technicians, contractors and cleaners to enter rooms as and when necessary in the course of their duty at the discretion of the Residence Office. However, every effort will be made to respect the privacy and dignity of the residents. Please always observe security & safety rules at all times.
7. Security and safety
7.1 Your personal safety, and the security of your property, are mostly about being diligent in what you do, applying common sense, taking precautions and showing consideration towards other residents of your flat/unit/house.
7.2 Always ensure that doors are kept locked and safe keep your valuables e.g. hand-phones, computers, watches, jewellery and money at all times. Curtin University is not responsible for any loss or damage to your personal property.
7.3 Residents and their visitors are required to carry their student cards at all times.
7.4 Visitors are welcome to visit from 7.00am and must leave before 10.00pm. They must show consideration to the other occupants of the flat/unit. Residents are responsible for their visitors.
7.5 Visitors must not remain on the premises while the resident is not at home, nor can they stay overnight or enter the bedrooms at any time for any reason.

Emergency Security Hotline is +6 085-630081 and +6 085-630082

The lakeside internal telephone will be automatically connected to Security. Please do not abuse this facility.

7.7 The Campus Security reserved the right to carry out spot check or inspection at any time without prior notice if the circumstances so require.
7.8 Any resident, who finds his or her roommate/housemate missing for more than 24 hours, must report to the Residence Office unless the resident concerned has made a verbal indication of his/her intended absence. This is to enable the Residence Office to take immediate action should any unforeseen incident occur.
7.9 Vehicle access is restricted at Curtin Water 2. During the check-in/check-out period, prior approval is needed for security to allow vehicle access.
8. Departure procedure
8.1 The resident needs to ensure that your room is vacated and flat/unit/house is thoroughly cleaned and ready for inspection prior to your departure. If you fail to clean properly, a minimum but not limited to a RM50 cleaning fee will be charged.
8.2 Residents must return their room key & card upon check out. Failure to do so will result in full rental being charged during your absence.
8.3 All residents are required to make an appointment for their final inspection at least two weeks prior to departure. Residence Office will not entertain any final inspection dispute if you have opted not to have the joint inspection.
8.4 For departures outside of office hours, residents are still required to notify Residence Office of their intended departure date. You should leave your keys and card in the envelope provided at the reception counter or respective property security post. We will inspect your room and flat/unit/house the following working day.
8.5 Do not leave anything in your flat as a cleaning fee will be imposed. Any unwanted items (bedding, cooking equipment, clothing etc) will be discarded after one week without prejudice.
8.6 Standard of cleaning – please ensure all areas, bedroom, toilet/shower room, kitchen (including refrigerator and cabinet) and living room are cleaned thoroughly without your personal belongings.
9. Mid-year semester break departure procedure
9.1 If you have opted to end your tenancy, please refer to 8.1 – 8.6.
9.2 If a new room has been assigned to you, you need to vacate your current room and return the key and card to Residence Office. A new room will be ready upon your next arrival.
9.3 If you have secured a back-to-back tenancy period for the same room, please ensure that no valuables are left unattended during your absence. Residents who decide to leave their personal belongings and valuables behind will do so at their own risk. Curtin University will not be liable for any lost items or damage to their belongings.
9.4 Please do not leave any belongings in the room during your absence. If you need storage arrangements, please contact Residence Office for details.
10. Storage Facilities
  Limited storage space is available for residents who would like to store their luggage during the year-end break. An RM120 storage fee per person per month will be imposed (limited to 5 boxes per person). Please refer to Residence Office for details.
11. Lost or Discarded Property
  Lost property or property left on departure is held in the Residence Store Room and will be disposed of after a period of one week without prejudice.
12. Curtin ICT rules
  Curtin’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facilities and services are provided for Curtin-related teaching, learning, research and administrative activities. Please adhere to ICT policies Wifi access terms & conditions.
13. Revision of University Residence Rules and Regulations
  Residence Office reserves the right to revise the Residence Rules & Regulations from time to time. 

Defect price list

Any damage to any part of the interior or exterior including walls, floors, equipment, furnishings, fittings, and fixtures in the room or common areas will be charged to the person(s) responsible. In the case of damages to the common areas, where the person responsible is unknown and does not come forward, the cost will be equally divided between all tenants of the flat/unit/house. Please note that residents are responsible for any damage caused by their visitors.

Defect prices are subject to changes without notice from time to time under the discretion of management.