Curtin Malaysia alumni are entitled for 25% discount for the first-year tuition fees upon making payment in any postgraduate course (Master and Doctor of Philosophy– either by Coursework or Higher Degree by Research) in Curtin Malaysia.
To know more, please contact the Student Recruitment Team at domesticstudentrecruitment@curtin.edu.my
- Not applicable to students currently holding other postgraduate scholarships or are on other discount schemes introduced by Curtin Malaysia
- Not applicable to Leave of Absence and a repeat of failed units
- This scheme only discounts the tuition fee. It does not discount other fees (e.g. Student Services and Amenities Fees and Ancillary or incidental fees)
- Not applicable to Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma programs.
Discount entitlement and computation
Discount applies to a maximum of six units only within the first year, for these courses:
- Master of Science (Project Management)
- Master of International Business
- Master of Public Health
Discount applies to fees paid within the first year for:
- Higher Degree by Research (HDR)
Closing date
A week after commencement of class.
Application form must be submitted on or before the closing date.
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Alumni discount
Curtin graduates are eligible for an alumni discount on their postgraduate studies. Apply for an alumni discount here.