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Appeal against assessment (MPU, Foundation & Diploma)

Students with evidence that the grade or mark awarded for an assessment task or official unit result is inaccurate are encouraged to raise their concerns with the Unit Coordinator. Alternatively, they may lodge a formal appeal against the assessment.

All applications must be accompanied by relevant documentation appropriate to the circumstances and included as an attachment to this document.

Application deadline

Submit a formal appeal by completing this form within 10 working days of the date when you received the mark for the assessment task or official unit result. You must demonstrate that your mark or official unit result is inaccurate. You should be aware that if you appeal a result, the outcome may be higher, the same, or a lower mark or result. The appeal will be determined within 10 working days of it being received. Once a decision has been made on the appeal you will be advised of the outcome immediately and in any case, no later than three working days from the decision date. The decision of the Head of School, or authorised officer, is final.

Personal details

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Unit details

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