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Effective Semester 2 2018, Supplementary assessment is no longer awarded to the student.
There is no application process to apply for a further assessment.
The Head of School may determine that Further Assessment is not permitted in a unit. This will be specified on the Unit Outline, and it will apply to all students enrolled in that unit.
A student is eligible for consideration for Further Assessment if they have attempted all required assessment tasks for the unit and have marginally failed the unit.
Further Assessment may not be used to remediate a penalty of misconduct.
For undergraduate/postgraduate studies, the Progressions/Teaching Support (or authorised officer) will notify students via OC of the FA arrangements (e.g. the new due date, time) for a Further Assessment Task and provide at least three working days’ notice.
For Foundation, Diploma studies and MOHE units, the Examinations Office will notify students via email of the FA arrangements (e.g. the new due date, time and location if appropriate) for a Further Assessment Task and provide at least three working days’ notice.
Examination Office will advertise further assessment examination timetable including the date, location and time in Moodle.
Where a centrally established period for Further Assessment is not identified, Schools will determine a specific period (generally one week) for Further Assessment for each study period and publish this information in the Unit Outline.
A student with an interim grade of “X” will not be permitted to take a Leave of Absence unless approved by the Student Services Manager.
It is the responsibility of students to be available to attend or complete the Further Assessment Task at the notified time.
A student who commits to other arrangements that prevent them from completing a Further Assessment Task will not be entitled to another opportunity.
The provisions of the Assessment Extension procedure will apply to Further Assessment.
The design of the Further Assessment Task will provide the opportunity for the student to demonstrate that they have met the unit learning outcomes. The task may be different to that which was originally completed.
Once Further Assessment is offered by the Board of Examiners an interim grade of X is recorded and the original mark remains. For example, an F-47 will become X-47.
If the student passes the Further Assessment Task, the original mark will remain the same however the grade will be changed to PX (pass after Further Assessment). For example: X- 47 to PX-47.
If the student does not pass or attempt the Further Assessment Task, the original mark will remain the same however the grade will be changed to FX (fail after Further Assessment). For example: X-47 to FX-47.
If a student declines an offer of the Further Assessment Task, the interim grade will revert to the original grade and mark. For example, an X-47 will revert to F-47.
A Further Assessment interim result will be converted to a final result by no later than the end of the subsequent study period in which the student is enrolled.
For undergraduates and Postgraduates, all results of Further Assessment Tasks will be recorded by the UC in the University approved secure electronic repository.
For Foundation, Diploma and MOHE units Head of Department will submit the online Change of Result form to Examination Office to update results.
Assessment extensions
Assessment Extension is a process involving the formal permission for a student to delay the completion or submission of an assessment task after the original date/time (e.g. examinations, tests) or due date/time (e.g. assignments).
Effective from 2020, the student will fill up the online Assessment Extension Form via Assessment Extension System (AES) together with the supporting document. (e.g. Medical Certificate from the student). Examination staff will receive a notification via email that a new application has been submitted.
Examination Staff will log in to the AES to view and assess the application.
The unit lecturer will decide whether to support or not to support the student’s application via email.
The UC will communicate directly with the student on the outcome via OC.
All approved application will be recorded as “DA” in the collation sheet by the Board of Examiners.
Student Eligibility
Application for Assessment Extension for MOHE Units, Foundation, Diploma Programs is to be submitted online via Application for assessment extension form.
Online application is to be submitted before the assessment due date/time. An application may be accepted up to five working days after the date or due date of the assessment task where the student is able to provide an acceptable explanation as to why he or she was not able to submit the application prior to the assessment date.
An application for an Assessment Extension will not be accepted after the date of the Board of Examiners meeting.
A unit coordinator, in consultation with the Head of Department (or nominee), may offer an Assessment Extension to a student or group of students, without application, in the circumstances where the resources required to complete the assessment are not available. This might arise, for example, if essential equipment is damaged or unavailable for such a period of time that students would be unfairly disadvantaged in the assessment process.
For Foundation, Diploma, and MOHE units, Faculty need to submit Change of Result online form to Examination Office to make the amendment.
Where the grounds for applying for an Assessment Extension are injury, illness, disability or medical condition of the student (or a family member), the student will be required to provide a signed statement from a registered medical practitioner. Statements signed only by a pharmacist are unacceptable. Letters of support from Counselling and Disability Services, including Curtin Access Plans* are also acceptable if relevant to the case.
Where the grounds for applying for an Assessment Extension is the psychological condition of the student, a letter of support from the Counselling and Disability Services is acceptable if relevant to the case.
Where the grounds for applying for an Assessment Extension are related to a religious matter, a letter of support from the Multi-Faith Services, is acceptable if relevant to the case.
Where the grounds for applying for an Assessment Extension are work commitments, a letter from the employer clearly supporting the student’s claim is required.
In other situations, documentation appropriate to the circumstances will be required as determined by the unit coordinator, Head of School, or Board of Examiners.
The unit coordinator shall consider, without prejudice, all applications for Assessment Extension.
For Undergraduates and Postgraduates, the UC shall notify students on the outcome via OC.
For Foundation, Diploma, and MOHE units, the UC shall notify the student of the outcome via student email of their application for Assessment Extension.
This advice must be in writing via the Official Communication Channel for undergraduate/postgraduate studies and via email (for Foundation, Diploma, and MOHE units) at least three working days’ notice.
The unit coordinator in consultation with the Head of Department/School shall determine the time frame by which the student must complete the assessment task for which an Assessment Extension has been granted.
If the Assessment Extension extends beyond the Board of Examiners meeting an interim grade of DA is recorded. Once the assessment is received and marked a final grade and mark will be submitted for ratification by the Board of Examiners.
Typically, a student with an interim grade of DA will not be permitted to take a Leave of Absence. Where there are exceptional circumstances that warrant a Leave of Absence and the student has a DA grade, this request will be determined by the Student Services Manager.