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Day 1: 3 October 2024

Venue: LTBS 1, Heron 2

Time Programme
0830 – 0850 Registration
0900 – 0910 Welcoming speech
International Conference on Higher Education Learning and Teaching 2024 Organizing Chairperson Professor Tang Fu Ee
0910 – 0920 Opening speech
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Curtin University, Australia, Professor Paul Brunton
0920 – 0930 Opening speech
Pro Vice-Chancellor, President, and Chief Executive, Curtin University, Malaysia, Professor Simon Leunig
0930 – 0940 Signing of MoU
Between Curtin University, Malaysia and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
0940 – 0945 Group photo
0945 – 1030 Keynote speech 1
Professor Dr Xiaojun Zhang, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
Syntegrative Education: Exploration of the future of higher education
1030 – 1100 Tea break
1100 – 1145 Keynote speech 2
Professor Rachel Sheffield, Curtin University, Australia
Another Potential Paradigm Shift or Is It Business as Usual?
1145 – 1300 Lunch
1300 – 1445 Conference parallel session 1
1445 – 1515 Tea break
1515 – 1700 Conference parallel session 2
1515 – 1700 Conference dinner
  End of Day 1
The above schedule is tentative. A full schedule with paper presentation will be available after the registration is closed.

Day 2: 4 October 2024

Venue: LTBS 1, Heron 2

Time Programme  
0830 – 0900 Registration  
0900 – 0945 Keynote speech 3
Professor Anthony Langlois, Curtin University, Australia
Ethics in Education: Morality-Tales or Essential Equipment?
0945 – 1015 Tea break  
1015 – 1200 Conference parallel session 3  
1200 – 1330 Lunch  
1330 – 1600 Special session: AI and Education
Academy of Future Education, Research Centre for AI and Education
Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University
Special session: Festival of Learning
Curtin University, Australia
1600 – 1630 Closing speech and presentation of Best Paper Award  
  End of Day 2  
The above schedule is tentative. A full schedule with paper presentation will be available after the registration is closed.

The Conference will be held at Curtin University Malaysia, Miri, Sarawak from 3 to 4 October 2024. For more information about Miri, please visit our info for visitors on Miri.