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FoB Strategy 2030

The Faculty of Business (FoB) represents one of currently three faculties within Curtin University Malaysia (CM). FoB works very closely with the Curtin Business School CBS) in Perth which owns most of the undergraduate and post-graduate course offerings. FoB collaborates with the new CM Centre of Advancement and Continuing Education and the BioValley Bhd consulting company owned by CM. For selected courses teaching resources are shared across faculty boundaries.

FoB operates a Foundation Department which takes care of a foundation programme in commerce preparing students for entrance into an undergraduate degree course and of a substantial part of diploma studies in the field of business. The disciplinary fields are (re-)organized into two departments: a) Accounting, Economics and Finance and b) Management, Marketing and Digital Business. The undergraduate and post-graduate courses are accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia and the AACSB framework. Prospective students and graduates benefit from attractive scores in national and international quality rankings. Graduates with skills such as leadership, autonomy, social responsibility, problem solving, team orientation, communication and cultural diversity are compared favourably in their chosen fields.

Strategic Positioning 2030

The Future Focus Review 2021 for the Faculty of Business applied a SWOT analysis involving internal and external stakeholders. Considering three different development scenarios, the steering group chose the “Selective Growth” scenario as most probable and realistic future to happen. Assuming the appropriate level of resources and activities, it should be possible to achieve the following changes in recognition and perception of the Faculty of Business within the next 5 to 7 years:

  • Offering more options and flexibility for undergraduate students
  • To extend our strengths in the fields of accounting and finance education
  • To regain domestic market in the field of foundation education and run foundation programmes in some Asian countries
  • Capturing market share in the diploma studies market
  • Develop new competencies in the fields of digital business, smart applications and international business
  • Particularly strengthening competencies in the field of entrepreneurship, start-ups, innovation, sensible work organization and green marketing and sustainable business management
  • Continuous improvements in research culture overall, particularly related to HDR students and international collaboration.

Strategic Priorities

In line with Curtin University’ Strategic Plan 2017-2022, its Vision 2030 and the current (2021/22) priorities for Curtin Malaysia, the following priorities are formulated for the Faculty of Business:

Learning and Student Experience

  • Meet student expectations for quality teaching and provide engaging and enriching learning experience.
  • New courses offerings and financial investment to reflect market trends/ needs.
  • Review the teaching programme of Commerce Foundation to increase attractiveness.
  • Grow the product catalogue for Curtin Credentials and that the new courses offerings and financial investments reflect market trends and needs).
  • Strengthen the retention strategies and plans.
  • Enrol high quality/ performing students.
  • Grow international enrolments — expand market base and explore new markets and introduce flexible exchange courses/programs, evaluate multi-campus study options (1+2 or 2+1).
  • Engage with student through multiple delivery modes (Online, Hybrid and Face to Face) and manage online learning in a prolonged COVID-19 pandemic situation.
  • Staff and student adaptability and agility to the COVID-19 situation and the new norm in COVID-19 learning

Research – Demand Driven and Researcher Driven

  • Build external recognition for at least one node of R&D from digital innovation, bioprocessing, rural entrepreneurship and green energy & technology.
  • Continue to enhance research outcome (quality and quantity) for national impact exercise and international recognition.
  • Foster a strong performance culture for research, enhanced by analytics and targeted support programs, and identify and enable areas of emerging research capacity and support for Early and Mid-Career researchers.
  • Develop readiness and responsiveness in administering demand driven research for government institutions and the private sector.
  • Construct the Digital Central of Excellence building.

Engagement (External and Global)

  • Increase international competitiveness through enhanced global marketing and branding via participation in One Curtin Global Summit.
  • Partnerships and collaborations – increase global presence through the development of new Alliance partnerships, joint institutes, and further enhancement of existing Alliances, within One Curtin in particular.
  • Develop a culture of openness to a permanent dialogue with external stakeholders: using a variety of communication channels and media formats.
  • Strengthen employers’ engagement in the faculties.
  • Foster a climate within the faculty and the faculty’s ecosystem to engage in knowledge transfer activities offering services to stakeholders and the wider society.
  • Increase the network activities between FoB Alumni and the faculty administration and management.

People and Culture

  • Upskill staff (including developing leadership capabilities) through intensified focus and investment in staff learning experiences across our University (e.g. staff mobility & staff exchange) and implement the new Academic Capability Framework.
  • Operational efficiencies and effectiveness through resource optimisation of facility utilisation and energy saving.
  • Build up capacities for teaching and research in the fields of strategic priorities: digital business, entrepreneurship, current aspects of accounting and finance, international business.
  • Continuous improvement through accreditation, compliance audits/inspections and implementing risks, safety & health obligations.
  • Focus on improved staff satisfaction and retention.

Sustainable Future

  • Improve a systematic marketing intelligence within Curtin Malaysia to enable informed decisions about opening and closing educational offerings; where available benefit from analyses and data provided by the Strategy Office in Perth.
  • Develop an efficient internal reporting system about students’ chosen majors, specializations and streams.
  • Identify and reap cost savings from joint software and data licenses together with Curtin Australia.
  • Diversify revenues through short courses, trainings and demand driven research and consulting.

Full brochure is available here: FoB Strategy Brochure 2030 [.pdf 984kb]