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Dean’s message

On behalf of all our staff and students, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Faculty of Business.
As Dean, I am proud of the relevant business and management education that we have been providing to the local and global students since 1999. We are committed to developing business leaders of tomorrow through our innovative teaching and research.
The Faculty of Business leverage its strengths as an education powerhouse and leadership training to benefit people and advance the community. The expertise of our lecturers, the excellence of our courses and accomplishments of our graduates have become apparent that the Faculty of Business’s ability to deliver global impact is limitless. We combine theory and practice with industry perspective and our informed research to deliver in-depth knowledge for immediate impact. With our focus on teaching excellence, we create transformative educational experiences for all our students and nurture leadership talents for the development of Sarawak, Malaysia and beyond.
We work closely with industry to enrich the educational experience of our students. To achieve this, we forge strategic alliances with industry to engage students and foster development within the community. Our students benefit from our close links with industry, and hence employability.
Over the years, the Faculty of Business has made tremendous inroads in achieving its goal of becoming a leading business school through delivering student-centered education, conducting impact-oriented research, and acting as a catalyst for innovation and sustainable development in the community we serve.
Unlock your full potential for a prosperous future in the business world. I invite you to join us.

Professor Pauline Ho
Dean, Faculty of Business