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Dr Lew Tek Yew

Lew Tek Yew

Associate professor, Management, Marketing & Digital Business

Location: Room 9, Heron 2
Office No: +60 85 630 100 ext. 2735

Academic qualifications

  • PhD (Human Resource Development), University of Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), 2011
  • Master of Business Administration, National University of Malaysia (UKM), 2000
  • Bachelor of Economics (majoring in Business Administration), University of Malaya (UM), 1995

Employment history

  • Associate Professor in Management,  Department of Management, Marketing and Digital Business, Faculty of Business, Curtin University Malaysia (2019 – present)
  • Associate Dean,  Learning and Teaching, Faculty of Business, Curtin University Malaysia (2017 – 2021)
  • Senior Lecturer in Management , Faculty of Business, Curtin University Malaysia (2010 – 2019)
  • Lecturer in  Management, Curtin University  Malaysia (2003 – 2010)
  • Retail and Commercial banking accounts manager with Malayan Banking Berhad (1998 – 2003)
  • Bank Officer with Malayan Banking Berhad (1995- 1997)

Unit taught

  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Business & Sustainable Development
  • International Management
  • Management & Organizational Behaviour

Research interest

Human resource management and development, future of work, work design and occupational well being, remote working, physchological capital, employee engagement, green HRM and talent management, thriving at work, agile work practices, business and sustainable business, tourism management


Academic Journal Articles

  • Gim, G.C.W., Ooi, S.K., Ramayah, T., Lew, T.Y., and Ting, Q.H. (2023). Hardiness as a shield: A moderated mediation model of turnover intention among auditors. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, (Ahead in print).
  • Ting, Q.H., Lew, T.Y., Sim, A.K.S., Goi, C.L, & Gim, G.C.W. (2023). Psychological capital and Employee Engagement as Predictors of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour in the Industrial revolution 4.0 Era: Transfer of Training as a mediator. Current Psychology, (Ahead in print).
  • Kaliannan M., Darmalinggam D., Dorasamy M., , Lew T.Y. (2022). Rethinking Talent Management Strategies in Malaysia’s Tourism Sector Post COVID-19. ASM Journal, 17. (Scopus indexed)
  • Jiony, M.M.; Lew, T.Y.; Gom, D.; Tanakinjal, G.H.; Sondoh, S., Jr. (2021). Influence of Cultural Intelligence and Psychological Capital on Service Quality: A Study of the Hotel Industry in Sabah, Malaysia. Sustainability, 13, 10809. https:// (Clarivate Q2, Scopus Q1)
  • Gom, D.; Lew, T.Y.; Jiony, M.M.; Tanakinjal, G.H.; Sondoh, S.J. (2021). The Role of Transformational Leadership and Psychological Capital in the Hotel Industry: A Sustainable Approach to Reducing Turnover Intention. Sustainability, 13, 10799. su131910799 (Clarivate Q2, Scopus Q1)
  • Tan, K.L., Lew, T.Y., & Sim, A.K.S. (2021). Effect of work engagement on meaningful work and psychological capital: Perspectives from social workers in New Zealand. Employee Relations, 43(3), 807-826. (Clarivate, Q3, ABDC ranked B)
  • Hasan, M.K., Abdullah, S.K., & Lew, T.Y. (2020). Determining factors of tourists’ loyalty to beach destinations: a structural model. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 32(1), 169-187. (Clarivate, Q2; ABDC ranked A)
  • Jong, C.Y., Sim, A.K.S., & Lew, T.Y. (2019). The relationship between TQM and project performance: Empirical evidence from Malaysian construction industry. Cogent Business & Management, 6(1), 1-31. (Clarivate) ESCI
  • Hasan, M.K., Abdullah, S.K., Lew, T.Y., & Islam, M.F. (2019). The antecedents of tourist attitudes to revisit and revisit intentions for coastal tourism. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 13 (2), 218-234 (Clarivate) ESCI
  • Hasan, M.K., Abdullah, S.K., & Lew, T.Y. (2019). Tourists’ satisfaction and destination loyalty: a case study on Cox’s Bazar beach of Bangladesh. International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing, 6(3/4), 174-193 (ABDCindexed)
  • Tan, K.L., Lew, T.Y., & Sim, A.K.S. (2019). An innovative solution of leveraging on meaningful work to attract, retain and manage Generation Y employees in Singapore’s hotel industry. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 11 (2), 204-216 (Clarivate) ESCI
  • Tan, K.L., Lew, T.Y., & Sim, A.K.S. (2019). Is meaningful work the silver bullet? Perspectives from non-profit social service organizations. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 13 (4), 612-632 (Clarivate) ESCI
  • Chelliah, S., Bujang, T., Lew, T.Y., & Sim, A.K.S. (2016). Relationship between training components, work environment and participants’ characteristics on transfer of training skills and organizational commitment. International Business Management, 10 (9), 1623-1631. (SCOPUS)
  • Chelliah, S., Lew, T.Y., Chin, Y.A., Yeoh, S.M. & Lim, S.K. (2015). Developing a cadre of successful global managers: The critical roles and skill-sets. International Business Management, 9 (4), 470-475. (SCOPUS)
  • Sia, J.K.M., Lew, T.Y., & Sim, A.K.S. (2015). Miri city as a festival destination image in the context of Miri Country Music Festival. Contemporary Issues in Management and Social Science Research, 172, 68-73. (Clarivate)
  • Kalu, U.U., Lew, T.Y. & Sim, A.K.S. (2013). Relationship between leadership styles and project success among IT professionals in Nigeria: Implications to Project Management. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7 (12), 74-83.
  • Ali, H.F., Lew, T.Y., & Sim, A.K.S. (2013). Examining the relationship between employees’ perceptions on competency training and affective commitment: The moderating influence of volition. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7 (13), 209-218.
  • Lew, T.Y. (2011). Antecedents of affective organizational commitment and turnover intention of academics in Malaysia in selected private universities in Malaysia. Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, 7 (2), 32-40. (Ranked B by the ABDC).
  • Lew, T.Y. (2011). Antecedents of affective organizational commitment and turnover intention of academics in Malaysia. Business and Economic Research, 1, 110-114 (Clarivate)

Conference proceedings/presentations

  • Ting, Q.H., Lew, T.Y., Sim, A.K.S (2022). Psychological capital as a determinant of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour amidst Industrial Revolution 4.0: Mediating role of Transfer of Training.  Paper presented at the Global Conference on Business & Social Sciences (GCBSS-2022) June 17-18, 2022.
  • Ting, Q.H., Lew, T.Y., Sim, A.K.S (2022).  Examining the impact of remote e-working on job performance and occupational well being among academics in Malaysia: Job Demands -Resources Theory Perspectives.  Paper presented at the Global Conference on Business & Social Sciences (GCBSS-2022) June 17-18, 2022.
  • Jiony M.M. , Lew T. Y.,  Gom D., Tanakinjal G. H., and Sondoh Jr. S. (2021). Influencing       Factors of Cultural Intelligence and Psychological Capital on Service Quality: A Hotel Industry Study. Paper presented at the International Conference on Business, Management, Information Technology & Social Sciences (ICBMITS-2021) February 28, 2021.
  •  Gom D., Lew T. Y., Jiony M.M., Tanakinjal G. H., and Sondoh Jr. S. (2021). The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Cross-Cultural Psychological Capital on Turnover Intentions in Sabah Hotel Industry. Paper presented at the International Conference on Business, Management, Information Technology & Social Sciences (ICBMITS-2021) February 28, 2021.
  • Chieng, F.Y.L., Lew, T.Y. and Tiong, Y.Y. (2021). From Stay in Touch to Stay in Tech: Enhancing Tourist Engagement through Smart Tourism Technology. Paper presented at the 4th International Scientific Conference “TOURMAN 2021” “Restarting Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: The Day After” May 21-23, 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Lew, T.Y., Tiong, Y.Y., and Chieng, F.Y.L. (2021). Destination Loyalty Behaviour of     Wellness Tourists: The Destination Image Perspective. Paper presented at the 4th International Scientific Conference “TOURMAN 2021” “Restarting Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: The Day After” May 21-23, 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Tiong, Y.Y., Lew, T.Y. and Chieng, F.Y.L. (2021). Unsustainable Tourism in Post Covid-19? No way!  The Future of Tourism Destination Post Pandemic. Paper presented at the 4th International Scientific Conference “TOURMAN 2021” “Restarting Tourism, Travel and Hospitality: The Day After” May 21-23, 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Lew, T.Y. (2021, 12-13 Oct).  ‘New’ professional development for educators in getting ready for the future.  Presented at the 2020 Scholarship of Tertiary Teaching Conference Conference, Queensland, Australia.
  • Ting, Q.H., Lew, T.Y., Goi, C.L., Sim, A.K.S. (2021). Examining the effects of psychological capital on organisational citizenship behaviour: Employee Engagement as mediator – The case of Sarawakian Industrial Revolution 4.0 Youth. Paper presented at the BLM2 – ICAM4 International Joint E- Conference, September 2021.
  • Lew, T.Y. & Chieng, F. Y. L. (2020, 13-14 Oct). Promoting social presence and interaction in an online learning environment. Presented at the 2020 Scholarship of Tertiary Teaching Conference Conference, Queensland, Australia.
  • Hasan, M.K., Abdullah, S.K., & Lew, T.Y. (2018, 8-9 March).  Exploring the performance of tourist facilities at Beach Destinations of Bangladesh.  Presented at the International Conference on Business and Sustainable Development (ICBSD) 2018, Rajshasi, Bangladesh.
  • Tan, K.L. & Lew, T.Y. (2017).  Conceptual paper on antecedent and impacts of meaningful work to generation Y hotels employees.  Presented at the 5th International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Management 2017, Sri Lanka.
  • Daria Gom, & Lew, T.Y. (2016, 25-27 May).  The role of cultural values and transformational leadership in developing citizenship behaviour.   Paper presented at the 33rd Pan-Pacific Conference, Miri Sarawak.
  • Mary Monica Jiony, & Lew, T.Y. (2016, 25-27 May).  The effect of high-performance work practices on service-quality: The role of work-life balance.  Paper presented at the 33rd Pan-Pacific Conference, Miri Sarawak.
  • Chang, K.C., Baba, R., Lew, T.Y., & Sim, A. (2016, 25-27 May).  A cross-market study on impacts of green practices on lean supply chain management for SME – A conceptual paper. Paper presented at the 33rd Pan-Pacific Conference, Miri Sarawak.
  • Ho, P.L., Goi, C.L., Lew, T.Y., Tang, F.E., & Ho, C. (2015, 1-4 June).  Stakeholder response to say no to plastics bags campaign.  Paper presented at the 12th Pan-Pacific Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Lew, T.Y., Sia, J.K.M., & Sim, A.K.S. (2015, 26-27 November).  The antecedents and consequences of student engagement: A conceptual paper.  Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Miri Sarawak.
  • Lew, T.Y., Sia, J.K.M., & Sim, A.K.S. (2015, 26-30 October).  Sustainable livelihood of entrepreneurs in Malaysia: A holistic community based rural tourism (CBRT) model. Paper presented at the 3rd Asian SME Conference 2015, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • Lew, T.Y. (2014, October 2-3).  The role of academics in quality assurance of management education in Malaysia.  Paper presented at the “Management education: Achieving Global Standards and Recognition” International Symposium 2014, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • Lew, T.Y. (2014, December 15-16).  Miri city as a festival destination image in the context of Miri Country Music Festival.  Paper presented at the Global Conference on Business & Social Science 2014, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Lew, T.Y. (2014, December 15-16).  Developing a model for the antecedents of organizational commitment and turnover intention of academics in Malaysia. Paper presented at the Global Conference on Business & Social Science 2014, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Lew, T.Y. (2013, July 7-9).  The influence of human resource management (HRM) practices and perceived organizational support (POS) on organizational commitment and turnover intention of academics in Malaysia:  The organizational support perspective.  Paper presented at the BAI Conference, Bali, Indonesia.
  • Lew, T.Y., Sia, J.K.M., Sim, A.K.S., & Pillai, K.V.K. (2013, Dec 9-10). The role of academics in quality assurance of higher education. Paper presented at the 2rd International Conference Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference 2013, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Industry/Contract research reports

Industrial Skills Framework for Higher Education Industry commissioned by the Human Resource Development Corporation (HRDF), Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia (2021)

Research projects/grants (external – internal)/Research and development – competitive research grants

External research grants

  • FRGS 2022: The development of Wellness Destination Image Model to predict tourists’ destination loyalty behaviour for Malaysia in the aftermath pf the COVID 19 pandemic. Amount: RM76,900. Role: As project leader
  • FRGS 2022: Development and validation of an indigenous measure of psychosocial health of Malaysian adolescents and young adults in the context of COVID 19. Role: As project member.
  • Miri City Council 2012: Miri City Go Green: The effectiveness of Say No to Plastics Bags Campaign.  Amount: RM30,000. Nov 2012- Jan 2013.
  •  Universiti Malaysia Sabah Research Grant, SGPUMS 1/2018 (SBK0394 -2018): Influencing factors of Cultural Intelligence and Psychological Capital on Service Quality: A Hotel Industry Study. Together with Mary Monica Jiony. Amount: RM20,000. 16/7/18 to 31/12/19.
  • Universiti Malaysia Sabah Research Grant, SGPUMS 1/2018 (SBK0395 -2018): The influence of Transformational Leadership and Cross Cultural  Psychological Capital on Turnover Intention in Sabah Hotel Industry. Together with Daria Gom. Amount: RM25,000. 16/7/18 to 31/12/19.
  • Miri City Council 2004: ”The perceptions of Mirians on how Miri can become a better city” and “The perceptions of tourists on Miri as a Resort City”. Ammount: RM60,000. Role as researcher.

Internal research grants

  • Awarded four (4) Curtin Sarawak Research Fund of RM10,000 each totalling RM40,000 to finance the research projects as follows:-
    • 2005: “Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: A Study of Employees involved In The Tourism Industry in Miri, the new tourist destination in Malaysia”
    • 2005: “Managing expectations and perceptions of local and international students in Curtin University Sarawak Campus: A Challenge Beyond 2005!”
    • 2004: “Entrepreneurship: Personality Profile of Chinese Entrepreneurs who are members of the Sarawak Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry”
    • 2004: “Exploring the Extent of Transformational Leadership in the Context of Miri Entrepreneurs”
  • 2007: Awarded the Business School Research Fund (BSRF) for RM5,000 to part finance the project: ‘Perceived Organizational Support: Linking Human Resource Management Practices with affective organizational commitment, professional commitment and turnover intention’.

Industry grants

GrantProjectProject leaderAmountDate
Study on Manpower Supply-Demand in SCORE, SarawakHuman Capital Development Unit, Chief Minister’s Office, Sarawak through IPSOS Sdn BhdAnbalagan KrishnanRM41,000Sept 2015 -Nov 2015
Ministry of Tourism SarawakMarket Study on Miri City as a Festival Destination City for the Ministry of Tourism Sarawak focusing on Miri Country Music FestivalJoseph SiaRM4,790Feb 2014 – April 2014
Shell Shell Traffic Games – Effectiveness, Relevance and Currency study for Sarawak Shell BerhadPauline HoRM40,888Oct 2013- Jan 2014

Teaching awards

Student Choice Awards awarded by Student Council, Curtin Malaysia for excellent and quality teaching. (2008, 2010, 2014,  2017, 2021)

Research awards

  • Best Paper Award at the BAI2011 International Conference on Business and Information, Kuala Lumpur organized by International Business Academics Consortium, Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research and College of Business, National Taipei University and  Chulalongkorn University.
  •  Research & Development Award for Exceptional Research Performance (Publications) Highest Research Point Index (RPI)  2009 by Curtin University of Technology, Australia
  • Best Paper Award at the BAI2009 International Conference on Business and Information, Kuala Lumpur organized by International Business Academics Consortium, Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research and College of Business and National Taipei University.
  •  Best Paper Award at the 4th National Human Resource Management Conference 2008 organized by the Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia and the Negeri Sembilan State Government.

Supervision of Higher Degree by Research students


  • MPhil: Ms Jong Cherng Yee (as main supervisor with 60% contribution). Title: The Influence of Total Quality Management on Project Performance: The Case of Construction Organizations in Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • PhD: Tan Kim Lim (as co-supervisor with 30% contribution & key supervisor in charge of the thesis discipline area of OB). Title:  Effects of PsyCap on the relationship between meaningful work, job burnout and employee engagement.
  • PhD: Md. Kamrul Hasan (role as co-supervisor 30% contribution & key supervisor in charge of the thesis discipline area of tourism studies). Title:  Tourists’ Revisit Intention to Beach Destinations in Bangladesh.
  • MPhil: Ting Qian Hui (30% contribution). Title:  The role of psychological capital and employee engagement in determining organizational citizenship behaviour in the Industry Revolution 4.0 era: Transfer of training as a mediator.
  • PhD; Daria Gom (40% contribution). Title: Transformational leadership as antecedent of cross-cultural  behaviour  in the hotel   industry in Sabah, Malaysia.
  • PhD: Ting Qian Hui (60% contribution). Title: Examining the Impact of Remote e-Working on Job Performance and Occupational Wellbeing among Academics in Malaysia: Job Demands-Resources Theory Perspectives.
  • MPhil: Nyasha Bennita Chiwero (40% contribution). Title: Developing a Framework for Responsible Cultural Tourism Destinations in Sarawak: A Stakeholder Approach.


  • PhD: Mary Monica (40% contribution).    Title:  The influence of cultural intelligence and psychological capital on service quality in the hospitality industry.
  • PhD: Ting Qian Hui (60% contribution). Title: Examining the Impact of Remote e-Working on Job Performance and     Occupational Wellbeing among Academics in Malaysia: Job Demands-Resources Theory Perspectives.
  • MPhil: Nyasha Bennita Chiwero (40% contribution). Title: Developing a Framework for Responsible Cultural Tourism Destinations in Sarawak: A Stakeholder Approach.
  • MPhil: Fifi Liew Ee En (60% contribution). Title: The development of Werllness Destination Image Model to predict Destination Loyalty Behaviour for Malaysia Post COVID 19.
  • PhD: Sunitha Prabhu (40% contribution). Title:    The role of non-malicious insider on cybersecurity behaviour.
  • PhD: Adil Mansoor (60% contribution). Title: Impact of leadership styles and creativity on the employees’ innovative work behaviours through the mediating effect of work engagement.

Other academic roles

  • Reviewer for Clarivate and SCOPUS indexed international high ranked journals in the management discipline such as International Journal of Human Resource Management (A ranked), Studies in Higher Education (A ranked), International Journal of Manpower (A ranked) ;  International Journal of Public Administration,  Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics,  Journal of Management Development; Management Research Review; Sage Open Journal; UKM Management Journal, Sustainability.
  • Editorial board member of international journals such as Asia Pacific Journal of Managemet Review and member of the Reviewer Board for journals such as Frontiers in Psychology.

Leaderships and services – Faculty membership committee

Staff mentor of the Faculty of Business

Research Cluster membership

  • Sustainable Management and Supply Chain Cluster
  • Sensible Marketing and Tourism Development Cluster