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Study applied engineering and science courses at Curtin

Study a science or engineering course that combines theory with practical study, offers excellent facilities to learn in, and prepares you to work in an industry where you can positively impact lives and communities around the world.

Why study engineering and science at Curtin Malaysia? 

Our industry-aligned practical courses will prepare you to excel from your first day on the job. Get ready for professional work in just 3-4 years.

Hear from our students

Jayden Chin Jiun Youn

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Systems and Networking) graduate

I chose Curtin Malaysia because it not only offers the course, I wanted but also because Curtin is among the best in the field. If I face any difficulty in my studies, I can consult my lecturers who are always willing to listen and help me.

Danial Sharudin

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) (Hons) graduate

Coming from Miri, Curtin Malaysia was the most obvious and convenient choice for pursuing my further studies. Even though it’s in my hometown, it is very much an international campus providing a global education at par with Curtin in Australia. After all, it’s the same university, just a different campus.

Evane Serrah June Gani

Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) (Hons) graduate

The past four years at Curtin Malaysia have been a whirlwind of change, excitement, and personal growth. Grateful for experiences that shaped me into who I am today.

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